
What interventions have been shown to improve child outcomes?

The Reducing Parental Conflict Hub is moving. From the end of July 2023, this hub will be available via

While there is strong evidence that parental conflicts impacts child outcomes, the evidence about interventions and what works is still at an early stage. The majority of interventions with robust evidence come from outside the UK, and many have not yet collected evidence on how they improve child (rather than parent or couple) outcomes. However, a growing number of interventions have either been shown to work or are building their evidence base.

  • Programmes
  • 2021
  • EIF

EIF Guidebook spotlight set: Improving interparental relationships

EIF's flagship Guidebook provides information on programmes that have been assessed against our evidence standards and found to have evidence of improving child outcomes. This spotlight set is for programmes seeking to improve interparental relationships.

  • Guide
  • 2023
  • EIF
  • new
  • key resource

Supporting healthy relationships among new parents: a practical guide

This practical guide for local areas has been developed to improve understanding of how risk factors among new parents can impact on parental conflict and in turn on child outcomes, how to effectively engage these parents, what evidence-based support can be offered, and how to appropriately assess progress for these families.

  • Guide
  • 2022
  • EIF
  • new

Supporting healthy relationships among parents of children with behaviours that challenge: A practical guide

Currently, little attention is paid to how parental conflict affects the lives of children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in the UK. This practical guide for local areas covers risk factors, parental conflict and child outcomes, how to successfully engage these parents, evidence-based support, and how to appropriately assess progress for these families.

  • Guide
  • 2022
  • EIF
  • new

Supporting healthy relationships among parents with mental health difficulties: A practical guide

This practical guide for local areas has been developed to improve understanding of how risk factors among parents with mental health difficulties can impact on parental conflict and in turn on child outcomes, how to effectively engage these parents, what evidence-based support can be offered, and how to appropriately assess progress for these families.

  • Guide
  • 2022
  • EIF

Supporting healthy relationships among minority ethnic parents: A practical guide

This practical guide for local areas has been developed to improve understanding of how risk factors among minority ethnic families can impact on parental conflict and in turn on child outcomes, how to effectively engage with minority ethnic parents, what evidence-based support can be offered to minority ethnic families, and how to appropriately assess their progress.

  • Guide
  • 2022
  • EIF

Supporting healthy relationships among separating and separated parents: A practical guide

This practical guide for local authorities has been developed to improve understanding of how separation and parental conflict can impact on children’s outcomes, what evidence-based support can be offered to separating and separated parents, how to assess progress for these families, and how to effectively engage with them.

  • Case example
  • 2021
  • EIF

Developing a theory of change for local reducing parental conflict support

This is Walsall's story about developing a system-wide theory of change for their reducing parental conflict work with the support of EIF, as phase two of a four-phase reducing parental conflict evaluation project. It is told by Georgina Atkins, Walsall’s parenting lead for Early Help, and Helen Burridge, research officer at EIF.

  • Programmes
  • 2021
  • DWP

Reducing Parental Conflict Challenge Fund: learning from the second phase of delivery

Through the Reducing Parental Conflict Challenge Fund, 10 organisations received grants to test what works to reduce parental conflict. From 1 April 2020, 6 organisations were invited to continue delivery for a further 9 months to 31 December 2020. This report collates and analyses the learning gathered by funded organisations during this second phase of delivery.

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